So I was just watching the news (well what qualifies for news these days) and I've been following the case of this 14 year old Australian idiot Lewis Mason currently locked up in Indonesia for, you guessed it, possession of drugs. In this case, Marijuana. The case has been receiving alot of attention so you're probably aware of it. This isn't a sympathy post. This isn't a rant advocating pot use and whatnot. This is about the problem with society and what Indonesia needs to do.

not even the blur can hide the essence of douche
The first thing that strikes me about this incident is that, while the Schapelle Corby case got a similar amount of attention, there were a hell of a lot more people who hoped she got locked away than there are with this kid. Don't get me wrong I saw the whole Corby thing as pretty stupid on her behalf, but it also really brought home the intense difference between OUR drug laws and the much stricter rules run in South East Asia. Every Australian that watched that case unfold was now aware of what would happen. ANY parent with a teenager going to Bali should be, at least for the next 20 years, remembering the significance of that case, and the Bali 9, and making SURE that their kids are equipped with the right knowledge. That being said, the kid didn't go over there with drugs, he scored them there. Either way, anyone in this country should know that Indonesia + Drugs = NO! Its that simple, and they keep making examples out of us to help us understand, but evidently some don't.
The second thing is that Schapelle Corby CONSTANTLY, despite allegations, despite the fact her father had been done for pot running or something like that (don't call me on the details it was a while ago and I CBF researching) DENIED that she was guilty. It obviously didn't work in her favour (she's only into year 6 out of 20). Lewis Mason on the other hand intentionally sought out drugs, purchased them (and he HAS now admitted this in the second statement) and then went into a massage salon and showed people his score. Those three things alone should be enough for this guy to have failed at life but no, because he's 14 and has lived a relatively comfortable life we should go easy on him. He's facing a maximum 6 year prison sentence in a country that is apparently known for having a prison system that doesn't respect the rights of juveniles. Why should he be treated any differently by their government than another 14 year old miscreant who has broken a law with severe penalties?
The final, and worst thing about this case is todays development. Thanks to the fact that Mason has admitted he smoked weed previously to being caught, he can now appeal to a certain facet of Indonesian law that lets anyone caught with a small amount of drugs to be released if they can prove they are an addict, generally defined as a FREQUENT USER OF DRUGS. First ones got to go to Indonesia - WHAT THE HELL?! So you have ridiculous maximum terms and punishments for people caught with 'x' amount of drugs but if someone has 'y' amount BUT can prove they're addicted you'll let them go into the arms of rehabilitation facilities? That sounds like a pretty sweet loop for serious drug addicts out there. Go out, do drugs, run out of money, get arrested, locked up, appeal addiction, get sent to rehab, get out, start fresh, do it all again. Bill Burroughs would cream his pants. Don't go thinking I'm some pariah either, I AM A DRUG USER. I don't need to go into what I use, have used, or to what extent but I'm not casting negative aspersions on ANYONE for taking drugs (unless its heroin or ice). The fact that this law is being applied to a 14 year old is a slap in the face of anyone the law was actually designed to try and benefit as well. This says to Australians YES, GO to Indonesia. Bring drugs, but only a little bit. I can see the advertisement now...

There is also talk of how long the Indonesian judicial process takes, but how could that not already be known with Corby and the Bali 9? Everything is suddenly shocking again. Two days ago I could see photos with the kids face on the TV, now it's blurred out. This country has gone stupid over the stupid actions of a stupid fucking teenager and ultimately it all leads to the biggest problem of all - THE YOUTH OF TODAY! I know I sound like an old man with a pointy finger and a cane to poke you with but its getting ridiculous. These kids have no respect for anything; each other, themselves, manners and general decency, the concept of family, the english language, traditional concepts of social interaction, reading and getting an education, getting into the workforce and applying themselves. Admittedly I cannot honestly say this applies to all teens. Nor can I say it applies to all the ones I know, but the general feel when you look at the unthinking majority of these ungrateful shits is that we are well and truly doomed. I'm going to start being an old man when these people are in charge of the world and it scares me that I'm probably going to be left to decompose. OK I'm going a bit off topic here, let me bring it home.
If Lewis Mason gets off with this addiction defense and comes back to Australia no rehabilitation is going to do him any good. He will be brought back, interviewed by fucking everyone, paid and pretty much made a hero, a victim and a celebrity out of all at the same time. Why? Because he was stupid enough to engage in the sale of Marijuana in a country where his fellow countrymen and women have fought battles against execution and face more years in prison than this little shit has been alive. It's societys fault as much as it is his, and as much as it will be Indonesias if they are stupid enough to let him go without a severe punishment. Even 2 years in one of those prisons will be enough to reform the shithead. Instead he gets KFC and Pizzas delivered by his lawyers and all the consular assistance and phonecalls from the PM a little boy could possibly want.

I want them to call him 'finger lickin good' in the shower rape scene
Please Indonesia, do anyone over the age of 24 in Australia a favour and punish Lewis Mason. I'm not saying you have to execute him (although I won't object), but show him that you're not to be fucked with, just like you did with Schapelle, the Bali 9 and East Timor for that matter. If you let him off you will be surprised how quickly the psyche of your 'terrifying drug laws' will be eroded. Not only that but this is your chance to give the NEXT generation of Australian holidaymakers a heads up before they bring their disrespectful, socially inept family and friends over to muck up the place. Now is the time for the Indonesian Judicial System to shine. Fuck teenagers (as long as they're legal of course).
Until next time.