In early March this year I deleted my Facebook profile. I wasn’t entirely sure how it was going to work out, nor was I sure that it was the right idea given the amounts of personal history I’d amassed on that site via photos and writing. It’s all tied to significant parts in your life. The longer you’re on there, the more personal info you amass and the more you feel attached to your ‘profile’ – subsequently when it comes time to terminate it these are the things you realise. Not only that, but when you attempt to delete your Facebook profile it asks you a variety of things – like are you SURE you want to delete it, and if you’d like to back up all the info you’ve saved on there over the years. The purpose of the latter is to make you realise how much you have on there, how long it would take to back it all up and to generally stir up the warm feeling that comes with thoughts of friends and the last few years. It is designed to stir these feelings up in you so that you don’t delete your profile. Anyway I digress, there are, for some people, valid reasons to keep a Facebook profile.
The reason I’m writing today is to explain to you why I quit.There are a multitude of reasons that I quit. Some are personal, some impersonal, but I consider all of them valid.
Distraction – Anyone who seriously doesn’t think Facebook is a distraction is a dolt who is in denial. Next time you catch a train to work in the morning, next time you wait for a bus, next time you see someone with a smart phone with 5 minutes idle time on their hands anywhere, go and see what they’re looking at. In 90% (at least) of instances I can guarantee you they’ll have their phone in front of them, checking out Facebook. From the ages of adolescence to early-to-mid-30’s, and in many cases over, this is the new addiction. Your addiction to Facebook is as routine as my addiction to smoking, but at least I still talk to people when I’m having a smoke.
The same goes for people at work. In my job I don’t get the luxury of sitting at a computer and the convenience of being able to check my Facebook randomly. Many people in office/desk jobs do, however. Perhaps it’s less so with the prevalence of smart phones, but either way. These people are often on considerable amounts of money and for what? Doing some reception work and spending the rest of your day on Facebook? While I’m calling it a distraction, the pervasiveness of Facebook use in the work place is perhaps harming productivity and efficiency as well.
You might find this poppycock – and I know what you mean. I’m also a university student and, while not overtly, part of me considered FB a distraction to my studies. While not the sole reason I deleted it, I can tell you that since I deleted my profile my uni marks have improved considerably. They weren’t bad to begin with, but they’re better now, after one semester. Results have been immediate. I’m not attributing it solely to the removal of my FB profile, but for me to say it had nothing to do with it would also be horribly naive. Facebook distracts you from what you’re supposed to be doing and absorbs you in a world of bullshit.

Friendship - What
FB has done to the word ‘friend’ in the last few years is truly incredible. A
friend is no longer someone you see often, hold a good personal relationship
with and care about – a ‘friend’ is someone you might have met once before,
hold little personal relationship with other than occasionally ‘liking’ each
others’ status updates and truly DO NOT care about. I know people, primarily
women, with people on their friends list they merely have there because it
makes them feel better about themselves. They have no desire to communicate
with the person, but still love the idea of being able to watch how comparatively
‘miserable’ someone else is. Particularly if it’s someone they didn’t like from
school. But why would you be ‘friends’ with someone from school you didn’t even
like? It’s because of Facebook.
I deleted my profile about 3 weeks before my birthday. I’m not insisting that people remember but what also needs to be considered is that my birth date is pretty easy to remember (April 1). The last few years I’ve received in excess of 100 birthday msgs on FB every year from a wide range of people – the ones I care about to the ones I barely even remember. This year I received about ten messages on my phone. I’m not bemoaning this at all because the fact these people were able to remember without the aid of a website takes me back to decades past. It’s interesting to note that two of the guys I considered my best friends both forgot. I don’t blame them. I blame FB for making everyone too lazy and complacent to even remember things about people when you can just look them up online. That’s what FB is doing, not just to friendship but to personal relationships in general. The phone is becoming obsolete as preferred communication at the hands of FB.
I deleted my profile about 3 weeks before my birthday. I’m not insisting that people remember but what also needs to be considered is that my birth date is pretty easy to remember (April 1). The last few years I’ve received in excess of 100 birthday msgs on FB every year from a wide range of people – the ones I care about to the ones I barely even remember. This year I received about ten messages on my phone. I’m not bemoaning this at all because the fact these people were able to remember without the aid of a website takes me back to decades past. It’s interesting to note that two of the guys I considered my best friends both forgot. I don’t blame them. I blame FB for making everyone too lazy and complacent to even remember things about people when you can just look them up online. That’s what FB is doing, not just to friendship but to personal relationships in general. The phone is becoming obsolete as preferred communication at the hands of FB.
- As mentioned before, FB becomes an addictive routine. Quite often people will
wake up in the morning and, before even getting out of bed, check their phone
for FB updates and to check out what the word is. Is this from general interest,
or because of the development of addiction? It’s probably both. After a couple
of weeks though, it all becomes incredibly formulaic. You know that out of the
500-odd people you have on your list there’s someone to tick every box.
There are people that have to post a million photos of their children every day, despite the looseness of the laws surrounding redistribution of your photos. There are those people that think everything is a conspiracy theory and that everyone who disagrees with them is uninformed. There are people that post ridiculous meme’s and shitty ‘funny’ photos every week. Out of every single persons friend list there are probably a maximum of 20 GENUINELY interesting people. These people might still annoy you from time to time but at least it’s for different reasons. That’s not to say that all the people from the aforementioned categories are screwed but the majority of them are.
There are people that have to post a million photos of their children every day, despite the looseness of the laws surrounding redistribution of your photos. There are those people that think everything is a conspiracy theory and that everyone who disagrees with them is uninformed. There are people that post ridiculous meme’s and shitty ‘funny’ photos every week. Out of every single persons friend list there are probably a maximum of 20 GENUINELY interesting people. These people might still annoy you from time to time but at least it’s for different reasons. That’s not to say that all the people from the aforementioned categories are screwed but the majority of them are.
One of the things that started to irk me towards the end of my tenure on FB was the ‘photo a day challenge’. A novel idea in some ways, I don’t begrudge anyone their right to participate. When you have 12-15 people you’re friends with participating, it gets fucking inane. Do they coordinate beforehand? Because they all post at the same time every day and anything potentially interesting in your news feed is lost behind multiple photos of the fucking sky. You might just say ‘so block these people’ but some of them I care about and would like to still converse with. But here’s something. Stop calling it a ‘photo a day for a month’ when you roll straight over to the next month anyway! Call it ‘an indefinite period of time where I upload a photo of something pointless EVERY FUCKING DAY’

The other, and perhaps most predictable of all the aspects
of FB is the art of ‘conversation’. You might have different histories with
people, an array of great memories but you can be almost guaranteed that any
conversation you hold with ANYONE on Facebook that you haven’t seen in the last
5 or so years will be rather formulaic
You: Hey man
Them: Hey man, long time
You: Too true man, how’s it going? What’s new?
Now, the reason you ask people what’s happening is not because you’re genuinely interested. There might be a very rare instance where that might be the case but they’re few and far between. You’re asking either out of politeness or because you’re secretly hoping that you’re doing better in life than the other person. It’s petty, petty shit. At the end of the conversation you each say you should catch up for real ‘sometime soon’ before you part ways, never to talk again, except for maybe THE EXACT SAME CONVERSATION a year down the track.
Invasion of Privacy - This works on multiple levels. First of all, and in a much more official sense, FB ends up owning the rights of much of what you put up on there. They have the right to use your photos (although they say they won’t) and they have the right to extrapolate data from your personal information and target you with specific advertisements to provide more appeal. I’ll never forget reading the story of an American family photo showing up in a store window in Prague merely because the store owner ‘found it on the internet’. Bottom line is, the more you put up on Facebook, the more data they can collect off you. The longer you’re on FB in terms of years, the easier it is for them to work out certain trends and fluctuations related to both markets and individuals that you probably don’t even notice yourself!
The other point of interest here is the continual changing and evolution of privacy settings which ultimately result in the fact that, while you think you may have kept something private, chances are FB came along without your knowledge and changed the setting. The most annoying and intrusive aspect I found towards the end of my tenure was that, if I had 2 ‘mutual friends’ who were having a conversation with each other on a post, I was exposed to that entire conversation, even if I wanted nothing to do with it.
Another annoying aspect of privacy invasion is that you have no control or knowledge of who is looking at what on your wall at any given time. People go through your photos and your timeline to work out things about you. It can be used to generate distrust and it can be used to facilitate overbearing insecure people who can leap at anything you say or someone says to you, all the while knowing that the context of typed word on a place like FB should matter little. I should probably change the title of this section from ‘invasion of privacy’ to ‘complete and utter lack of privacy’ – from FB themselves, from their corporate sponsors and the advertising companies that pay them, to the fellow users who are rifling through your info for one reason or another as we speak.
How do I conclude? Facebook has some truly wonderful
features, it does. My father uses it to connect with family overseas in Holland
for the cost of, well, nothing. Bands can use it as a great means of promotion,
reaching a wide audience. Companies can develop marketing strategies and deal
more directly with the consumer. If anything the potential commercial uses of
FB are the best. What it has done to the individual though is made them lazy.
We put up a post because we don’t want to have to tell the same story 15
different times to as many different people anymore. We send out a message on
FB because we can’t even be bothered picking up the phone anymore. The worst
thing about it is that it’s happening to you almost unknowingly. It is an
ADDICTION – I don’t care what you say. It doesn’t affect everyone to the same
degree, of course. Like any other ‘addictive substance’ some people can handle
it, but the majority can’t – and with everyone addicted to the same thing you
can’t expect any intervention.
What saddens me the most is what FB has done to the notion
of friendship. Some people would call it a ‘redefinition’. People aren’t as
close as they used to be, people rarely need to engage in the art of
conversation anymore because they know what you’ve done all week because you’ve
been posting it. Conversations on Facebook are stale and repetitive, the posts
many people make are stale and repetitive. It’s merely a distraction from the
other things we all used to do with our time. This is the bit where I sound
like an old man but I’m only 27! I fear to even contemplate what the notion of
friendship is going to be like for those who are currently just making their
way into Facebook.

Know this – Facebook doesn’t want you to leave. With its multiple
confirmations, the difficulty of actually finding the page to ‘delete’ INSTEAD
OF ‘deactivate’ your account and the fact that, even when you do that it still
keeps your profile up for TWO WEEKS (in case you change your mind) is all there
to harness the weakness – a weakness that FB itself has provided. It shows you
pictures of your friends and tells you they’ll miss you (I am not making this
up), the whole process of deleting your account is basically an attempted
emotional rollercoaster that I doubt many current FB addicts would be able to
I did it, I waited my 14 days and my profile has now been
gone for nearly 5 months. Do I miss it? Not in the slightest. I have seen what
Facebook looks like since and it’s truly a joke. Sure, I definitely hear from
alot of people less, and if anything the percentage of ‘friends’ in my life has
dropped lower than ever before but does this upset me? No. I’d rather the
friendship I had when I was younger, hanging out with my mates and enjoying
life without the need for constant reassurances from a bunch of people who don’t
REALLY care about you. Facebook, despite its certain advantages, is a detriment
to modern society, but I think that was always the purpose. Just like smoking
will never be banned because of its economic effects, Facebook will never go
away due to the fact it’s become a modern social institution. It’s not going
anywhere, so the onus is on YOU to leave, if you want to. I’m not here trying
to rally people to quit their FB accounts, I’m merely telling you why I quit
The only time I ever miss Facebook is when I write a blog
like this. It is much harder to publicise yourself without it, sure, but it’s a
small price to pay to be free of its invisible clutches. I think it would be a
great thing for the world if Facebook just collapsed one day and never came
back, but thats not to say I’m going to do it. What I can tell you is that,
while it hasn’t improved my life prospects or made me more attractive, quitting
Facebook has led me to feel freedom – and it feels nice. You might think my ‘addictive
substance’ simile is disingenuous but that just tells me you’re in denial.
I've been waiting for this post!
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing, I’ve always enjoy reading your posts and hearing your opinions. Facebook is right though, your friends DO miss you on there! haha I've flirted with the idea of 'deactivating' my account, but I think I can admit that im definitely one of those addicts you mentioned. Do you know what’s funny? My ‘photo a day’ challenge is probably the ONE thing that is holding me back… it will be a year next month, maybe a good opportunity to give the deactivation a try! I love how you wrote about friendship, its so very true. x PS. Can i share this post?
I've been waiting to write it too! So I'm glad I have lol. And thanks for enjoying my opinions lol, some people dont.
ReplyDeleteIts going to be different for everyone. I was just sick of alot of things on it at the time and I knew deactivating would just lead me back there within weeks. Needed to cut it off. We're all addicts, but Facebook has helped that too, we're not solely to blame.
All I can say about the photo a day challenge - sigh lol. But true, it would feel futile to just go back on it now, so close to a milestone. But these are the things I think Facebook leads you into thinking, to increase that personal attachment. But I could be wrong.
And K-Dawg, OF COURSE you can share this post. I know I spoke about the generic nature of conversation above but we really DO need to catch up soon. Semester is over and I miss everyone!
Oh and did you laugh for a good 10 second at that first pic? Or was it just me...?
ReplyDeletehahaha no, it wasn't just you... i had a good chuckle too! I agree, would love to catch up! xx
ReplyDeleteTruly amazing reading, pity I found it on Facebook :)
ReplyDeleteI could almost delete my own account now. Almost...
I "deactivated" my FB account about a month ago as an experiment for the same reasons you discuss in your post. There are some things I miss - mainly being able to easily keep up with my family and dear friends who are far away. Of course there are ways to do this without FB, but it's nearly become a lost art.
ReplyDeleteEvery now and then, I'll get a frantic text, email, or even a phone call from one friend or another who wants to know why they can't find me on FB anymore and is everything okay??? I find it quite endearing.
Thanks for the contributions gentlemen!
ReplyDeleteVery true Jeff. If FB was to collapse one day many people would be standing around trying to remember how they used to maintain contact. The benefits for long-distance communication are clear to see.
And I can certainly identify with the second paragraph. I've had people tell me to get on FB and go to look at something, not even realising that I deleted my profile months ago. Endearing, certainly, but also a bit sad. I also love the 'is everything okay?' question - like deleting ones account is a sign of trauma or a mid life crisis or something. The question is - did you go back?