5 Months ago I did something I haven’t done in years – I changed
my mobile phone provider. This wasn’t because I found a better deal elsewhere,
had reached the end of a contract, changed where I lived or anything of that
ilk. I left Vodafone Australia for a multitude of reasons that essentially came
down to the fact that they couldn’t even provide me with the basic services
most people take for granted. Since doing my own reading around social
networking I’ve realised that the term ‘most people’ needs to be redefined to ‘people
who aren’t on Vodafone’.
I joined Voda a while ago, from Optus. My ex girlfriend
worked for them and could get me a good deal on a prepaid package and a new
handset when it really was time for me to get one. I should have seen it coming
then to be honest. I got the phone home and within a week I could barely get
half a bar of reception in my own house. The ex and I returned to my local Vodafone
store to receive no analysis of ANYTHING, I was just handed a new handset. For
a while this seemed ok until it all started again. I know from back in the
early Optus days that my house seems to be at the fringes of about 4-5
different reception areas, and the phone constantly changes between them
depending on what room of the house I’m in and no doubt which way the wind is
blowing. I ended up taking my SIM card out of the phone and putting it in an
older model I got off my brother, and for a while things were fine..... For a