Last year I remember specifically sitting in our hostel in Prague in the wee hours of the evening using the internet and suddenly being flooded by people all keen to tell me that, after years of waiting, my favourite band Rammstein were finally coming back to Australia for the Big Day Out. I didn't even care who was on the rest of the lineup. Heck I still didn't really care when I went to both Sydney BDOs this year and got to see them twice.. ahhh.. memories. What I'm saying is that most times you can remember the circumstances that led to you finding out the lineup for the Big Day Outs you want to remember.

As I'm sure you're all aware, given the twitter trend and the non-stop radio/facebook bombardment this morning, the BDO 2012 first announcement has been made. I'll admit I was casting an eye over the lineup as Triple J confirmed each band, one by one, through twitter and I have mixed feelings about the lineup. Whats that you say? Please continue? I will..
Before I turn into my cynical self perhaps I should start off with what I enjoy about the lineup. Considering the complete lack of Rammstein you'd be surprised to learn that there are a few things I'm excited about. First of all, for fucks sake, another band I can finally cross off my bucket list (unless the BDO falls through like SWR - my one hope to see Van Halen) is SOUNDGARDEN! I remember my friend Hayley giving me lifts to our Tertiary Educational Facility back in the day (because I was too lazy to drive) and furthering the admittedly surface-level love I had of the band. I cannot WAIT to hear them cut loose on stage and I have little doubt they'll fucking ROCK! Booyeah. Then theres also Foster The People - a band I was introduced to by Triple J and a mate, who I stupidly didn't even bother going to see at this years Splendour. They excite me and should excite you also.
Then there's the phenomenal, mind-bending, mathematical and truly brilliant Battles, who I remember catching a couple of years back with Pix and some of the others as Silverchair played in the main arena. Pssht. The performance Battles put on validated our decision to NOT see Daniel Johns. The inclusion of Mariachi El Bronx will probably surprise alot of people. I only got introduced to them last year through the sexual Mr. Chapman but I can guarantee that these guys will provide a beautiful atmosphere for getting some beers and chilling in the afternoon sun. Unless scheduling fucks it all up. Architecture In Helsinki have been on pretty much every festival this year and look like continuing into 2012 and I'm also excited. Kasabian will be good even though they don't get me THAT excited. Then of course there is the return of the one, the only, Australia's best festival openers; the offensive, hilarious and ALWAYS entertaining Frenzal Rhomb. While I'm not that familiar, the songs I have heard and the hype surrounding them leads me to believe that Boy and Bear will be good wholesome fun as well. So far, so good, it promises to be a fantastic day. That being said... (here it comes) there are a few things I'm NOT happy about...
Every lineup needs its traditional filler acts. The acts that a majority of people will go to not because they've got a new album out, but who they want to go see based on a live reputation and because you really like the old songs (read: The Living End and Hilltop Hoods) and I don't begrudge these guys anything. They've been around long enough to know what they're doing, they'll be fine, and so will you if you go and see them. Umm.. I don't know where I was going with that. Lets just get straight to the things that shit me.
Every lineup needs its traditional filler acts. The acts that a majority of people will go to not because they've got a new album out, but who they want to go see based on a live reputation and because you really like the old songs (read: The Living End and Hilltop Hoods) and I don't begrudge these guys anything. They've been around long enough to know what they're doing, they'll be fine, and so will you if you go and see them. Umm.. I don't know where I was going with that. Lets just get straight to the things that shit me.
One act I will be going out of my way NOT to see is Girl Talk. I know alot of people that compliment this guy, go nuts for this guy, say he's revolutionary, groundbreaking, etc. He is NOT. He is SHIT. The ONLY thing this guy does is MASH UP SONGS! If I wanted to hear that I'd just listen to most FM radio stations on a Saturday night. Or go to a shit club. You might be thinking by reading this that I'm just some cynical critic and while you may be right, I have SEEN Girl Talk live. He comes out on stage, grabs a whole bunch of people up on stage with him, and then basically plays a mixtape while people consider him a man of brilliance. I hear you now saying "well if its so easy and shit Javid why aren't you out there touring the world and doing it?". Thats a good question. Perhaps I should. To me, Girl Talk is Andrew WK without any redeeming quality. He goes around taking credit for other peoples work like he's groundbreaking when really he's just a fucking DJ that should be playing Phriction on a Friday night. Seriously, I just don't get it.

He bought that Hennessey with YOUR money. Want a sip? Too bad
My other gripe is (thats right, you guessed it) the inclusion of Kanye West on the bill. For a multitude of reasons. I'm not a Kanye hater. I've got My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, hell it even made it into my top 3 albums from last year. Not only that but I saw the guy at Splendour in the Grass this year and admittedly, the production of his show was phenomenal. The autotune solos and strength of the mans ego however, were not. It was a show I was glad I saw, but had I known he'd be coming out for the BDO a couple of months later perhaps I would have saved myself the effort and perhaps a few people that paid to go to Splendour might have saved themselves $400 odd. We were told it was his only Australian show so for him to come back 5 months later for a tour is a bit of a Jip. But thats more just petty reasoning, because god knows there are more people out there excited about seeing him then there were at Splendour. There are two more things about Kanye playing that I have a problem with.
1. This will, undoubtedly, just like Splendour, result in a massive ticket price increase whether we like it or not. It's common knowledge that the cost of a ticket has gone up every single year and it wouldn't surprise me if we see prices like we've never seen before. It's a good lineup, sure, but will it be worth whatever fee we have to pay to cover whatever it cost them to get him out here? He'd BETTER be in the boiler room with Soundgarden closing the main stage or I'll be PISSED.
2. This will, also, undoubtedly attract a large amount of fucking idiot teenagers who don't understand what a festival is like. If you look at the rest of the bill you could almost call this a music-lovers festival. The acts are mainly very talented musicians which is great to see, bands that are worthy of praise and attention. What we don't need is a bunch of flouro wearing teenagers and southern cross fuckwits who are there to spend the whole day getting pissed and becoming rowdy so they can watch Kanye at night. Yes I know that, to a certain point, they're going to be there anyway. The point I'm making is that by putting Kanye on the bill they have automatically guaranteed an increase in attendance for these type of people. Why? Because they couldn't afford $400 to get to Splendour. I WILL, almost without a doubt, not be seeing Kanye at the BDO. Not because he's not fun to watch (he is... to an extent) but because his crowd will be so full of douchebags and kids its not funny.
The fact that the sexy Gin Wigmore is only playing in NZ is also disappointing but oh well. With more acts to be announced it promises to be a massive BDO. I'm pretty sure it won't disappoint either way and if you've suffered through my opinions I congratulate you. But I swear to God.. if Kanye closes the main stage I will be PISSED OFF!
Until next time..